What is a happiness graph?
During our research we came across a young woman in small suburban public school outside of Boston who worked as the SEL coordinator between teaching staff and the consultant whose expertise and role was to guide school officials in the process of integrating new teaching and reporting protocols dealing with social and emotional learning. The young woman presented her work one evening to parents. While on stage she asked the audience to imagine the following assignment she gave to her class: From the stage floor moving vertically she described the “x” axis as a measure of Happiness. The “y” axis which followed along the floor of the stage represented Time. The assignment: draw what you would consider your level of happiness of the course of the school year.
The results were imaginative and telling; some started the year with dread but improved steadily for the better while, for others, relief came with vacations. There were of course other telling scenarios. Students across the country are used to surveys - school climate, student, parent and family and more. The data is recorded and goes off for analysis and interpretation to help teachers, school administrators and districts find for ways to improve teacher and learning effectiveness.
But what about the students - what is their takeaway? At StoryCast we think students have insights, ideas and the power to change their lives. We also believe there is magic in the data that can motivate, transform and inspire students in many ways by providing real time feedback to guide them. Further, we also think it helps them to know they’re not alone. Kids around the world have questions and need guidance: “What do I do now?” Where do I go? and “How do I get there?” Our StoryCast app will serve to guide them on their journey.
Student Surveys
We want to hear from you! Tell us about your school, your teachers and how you see your own strengths and weaknesses. By answering a brief series of questions each time you log in you will create an invaluable road map to measure progress, improvement and success throughout your school career. As our project grows we will show you how students from around the corner, across the country and around the world are thinking and responding - and many are just like you.
Download the StoryCast app and begin your journey map when you log in. Here are just a few of the scales:
Teacher Effectiveness
How clearly does this teacher present the information that you need to learn?Classroom Environment
How often do students behave well in this class?Expectations and Rigor
How much does this teacher encourage you to do your best?Your Engagement
In this class, how much do you participate?Supportive Relationships
How interested is this teacher in what you do outside of class?Sense of Belonging
How connected do you feel to the adults at your school?Interest in Subject
How often do you use ideas from [SUBJECT] class in your daily life?Grit
If you fail to reach an important goal, how likely are you to try again?
Before you start working on your schoolwork, how often do you think about the best way to approach the work?Mindset
In this class, how possible is it for you to change putting forth a lot of effort?School Safety
How likely is it that someone from your school will bully you online?
Questions also include simply checking in. Replies offer a range according to degree and can be edited:
How are you feeling today"?
I feel terrible
I feel okay
I feel good
I feel great!
How often in the last week did you feel happy?
Almost never
Once in a while
Almost always
In the last week how often did you feel frustrated.
Questions are based on current research survey standards*. Contact us for a complete list and for further information.
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